How it works
Doing good with us is easy…
Call us at ShrinkWrap Supplies to sign up and we’ll provide free recycling bags with every order
Fill up each bag as you tear down your wrap, helping to keep it good and clean.
Shipping is free from your nearest depot and we’ll track every kilo you recycle.
We’ll certify your recycling efforts with the GoodWrap seal of approval.
Get certified and get a good rap
Using the unique code on every recycling bag, we track the plastic you return against your orders. Every kilo of clean wrap recycled earns you points towards your annual certification.
✓ Gold Seal: Over 90% of wrap recycled
✓ Silver Seal: Over 75% of wrap recycled
✓ Green Seal: Up to 75% of wrap recycled

Be a part of something bigger…
Our 1 Million Mission
Join our mission to recycle 1 million kilos of shrink wrap by 2028. Together, we can stop plastic from ending up in landfills.
Never before have we been so determined to have a positive impact on our industry and our planet.
The march to 1 million starts with you …
78,898 KGs Recycled
1 million is bold – we agree
We’ve always been committed to driving change in our industry and, together, we can take important steps towards this giant collaborative goal. So let’s hold ourselves and our industry accountable and start recycling 100% of our shrink wrap today.
‘Recycling’ vs. ‘good recycling’
Many recycling processes blend different plastic grades, resulting in lower-quality materials. But we’ve teamed up with industry leaders to create a clean recycling process that greatly reduces the number of contaminants.
This means we can produce recycled material that closely resembles virgin plastic, reducing the need for new plastic production. So, when it comes to recycling, let’s not just do better New Zealand, let’s do good.

Keeping it clean, keeping it Kiwi
In collaboration with our partners, we are helping to reduce our carbon footprint and recycle the majority of our waste here in Aotearoa.
Other shrink wrap suppliers who only recycle abroad probably hate us. We’re not sorry. Sometimes shipping waste abroad has a heavier carbon impact than not recycling at all. So we obsess over the details and always strive to keep it clean and keep it Kiwi.

Do good with GoodWrap…
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Looking for a certified installer? Call 09 426 4500 weekdays 7:30am-4:30pm or leave your details below: